New website launch offer: 10% off patterns with code LAUNCH10 New website launch offer: 10% off patterns with code LAUNCH10


Rowan Baby Knits by Quail Studio

Rowan Baby Knits by Quail Studio

Mouse Sweater

Shape shoulders and back neck
Cast off 8(9,11,13,14)sts at beg of next 2 rows. 18[20,20,32,22]sts.    30[32,32,32,34]sts.


With RS facing, using yarn A and 3.25mm needles pick up and knit 8(8,10,10,14)sts down left front neck, knit 18(20,20,20,22)sts from front neck stitch holder, pick up and knit 8(8,10,10,14)sts up right front neck, knit 18(20,20,20,22)sts  30(32,32,32,34)sts  from back neck stitch holder. 64[68,72,72,84]sts.


Place Chart:

Next Row: K13(15,17,19,21)sts, knit 30sts from row 1 of chart, K13(15,17,19,21)sts.

Next Row: P13(15,17,19,21)sts, knit purl 30sts from row 2 of chart, P13(15,17,19,21)sts.


Striped Jumper


Work as for back to **

Cont until armhole measures 8(9,10,11,12) 5.5(6.5,7.5,8.5,9.5)cm, ending with a WS row.

Next Row: (RS) K19(22,23,25,27) turn leave rem sts on a holder.

Next Row: Purl

Next Row: Knit to last 4sts, K2tog, K2. 18[21,22,24,26]sts

Next Row: P2, P2tog, P to end. 17[20,21,23,25]sts.

Rep last 2 rows to 11(14,15,17,19) 11(13,15,17,19)sts. ***

Cont straight until armhole meas 9(10,11,12,13)cm, ending with a WS row.


The buttonhole row should read as below; 

0-3 mths: K3, P2tog, yrn, K2, P2tog, yrn, K2. 

3-6 mths: K1, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2. 

6-9 mths: K3, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2. 

9-12 mths: K1, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2. 

12-18 mths: K3, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2, K2, P2, K2tog, yfrn, P2,K2.


Textured Cardigan


Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 52(56,60,64,68)sts.

Row 1: (RS) K2, P2 to end.

Rep last row 5 times more, inc 1 st at each end of -(last,last,last,last) row. 52[58,62,66,70]sts



Using 3.25mm needles, cast on 24(24,28,32,36)sts.

Row 1: (RS) K2, P2 to end.

Rep last row 5 times more, inc 1 st at each end of -(last,last,last,last) row. 24[26,30,34,38]sts.